Mixed in the drinking water: easy to use
Participates to an efficient non medicated management
Technical interest:
- LINKAMUNE is a blend of acids and yeast extracts for a full security of the digestive tract
of poultry. The acid combination in LINKAMUNE will lower the pH in the gastrointestinal
tract, limiting the proliferation of harmful bacteria.
- Yeast extracts contains in LINKAMUNE will have a prebiotic effect on the digestive tract
by stimulating positive intestinal flora, acting as fermentation substrate. The Betaglucans
and MOS present in yeast extracts are involved in reducing contamination of feeds: they
agglomerate mycotoxins and other harmful substances in the gut because of their physical
structures, and they provide a better protection against gastrointestinal tract pathogens.
- By improving digestion of poultry, LINKAMUNE will also allows better weight gain and a
better feed converstion rate.
Contact us for further informations